In the current version of this software it seems that its geared towards the MS-live edition of onedrive. However there is also an office365 version of onedrive. How do i...
Can I extract language from a tsx file (react component) as shown below? If yes, what config file do I need to make this happen? ``` import React, { useState...
I am mosaicing (i also tried merge) 2 images and then i want to do globalcontrast: ``` right = pyvips.Image.rawload(f'{r}/[0017][0015].dump',1920,1200,2).copy(bands=1, format="ushort", interpretation="b-w")
Q: stitching
Hi - thank you for this great library which I just found. I am stitching 266 images of size 1920x1200 in a grid of 19x14. I have been reading through...
Looks like commits are a year or more old. I find this repor to be a super great idea, so its sad if it has stopped. Maybe somebody else carried...
Hi, my arduino is sending a number every second via serialport. I am trying to use your async implementation to read this number in a callback function. For some reason...
Hello, I have 4 cameras set up for continuous frame collection using callbacks. All cameras are triggered externally every X millisec. Each camera is runing inside its own process. The...