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Tools and apps for GameMaker development: a CLI for pipeline development, a VSCode extension for coding, and more.

Results 25 stitch issues
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Replication: * Start a new project using Stitch's "New Project function * Rename the object `o_init` to something else * Observe that the project no longer compiles, because the room...

🔥 bug

Replication: * Open an object in the inspector * Right-click the "Sprite" section of the inspector * Click "set sprite" * Observe nothing happens! ![image](

🔥 bug

During a Stitch session, if the user adds a folder and then tries to drag-drop an audio file into it: - The asset does not appear - There is no...

🔥 bug
:keyboard: vscode
:grey_question: needs info

It would be nice to add the ability to hide variables marked with `@private, @protected`, etc. Or, simply ignoring variables that have a prefix (such as an underscore).

The symbol searcher can only send the user to file locations, which is why we have to send users to `yy` files for assets that have alternate editors (like sprites)....

✨ feature
:keyboard: vscode

My projects has some fairly strict rules around documentation. It would be neat to have some warnings around missing documentation for variables, functions, enums, etc.

:sos: help wanted
:deciduous_tree: parser

Here is an object with two variable definitions: ![image]( However, I am getting errors: ![image](

✨ feature
:deciduous_tree: parser

GameMaker's Object Events, like "Create", "Step", and so on, are represented in the project files by numeric IDs. The human-readable name is not anywhere in the project files -- it...

:sos: help wanted
:keyboard: vscode

While the normal formatting rules are that array entries each go on their own line, that is *not* true for `guideColour` in sprites. This does make sense from a Git...

🔥 bug
:deciduous_tree: parser

When we need a quick icon, we grab stuff from FontAwesome. That comes as an SVG, so there's then an editing step to make any modifications and then export as...

✨ feature
:keyboard: vscode
:thinking: rfc