请问问题解决了吗?我也是一样的问题: HEAD is now at ddb712b Add files via upload /usr/bin/git checkout --orphan built Switched to a new branch 'built' /usr/bin/git reset --hard /usr/bin/git commit --no-verify --allow-empty -m Initial built...
I build my rootfs.cpio long long ago, as one rootfs.cpio can be used in all kernel bzImage. So you can refer to this article.
> Hello,大佬。请问cve-2017-11176为什么需要执行两次漏洞触发呢,我调试时发现只执行一次sock也会被释放,只是后续利用sendmsg申请不到那个堆块?请问这其中有什么原因吗? 我测试的时候跟你的情况一样,具体原因我还不清楚。。
> Hello,大佬。请问cve-2017-11176为什么需要执行两次漏洞触发呢,我调试时发现只执行一次sock也会被释放,只是后续利用sendmsg申请不到那个堆块?请问这其中有什么原因吗? 我测试的时候跟你的情况一样,具体原因我还不清楚。。
[]( In new binary, it crashed at 0x42D4D3 while read 0x692970. But 0x692970 hasn’t been initialized. In original binary, the relative address is 0x608570 and it will be initialized right....
I tried to change I add true struct with true size of the export varibles, and attach it to the export variables. Then it might automatically recognize the export...
> So the export issue you're talking about has been a thing that we've encountered before. I saw @pgoodman already tagged @kumarak on this; maybe they can remember what our...
> The issue is with the reference of `std::cout`. IDA is not able to correctly resolve the reference of 0x608570 (`std::cout + 0xF0`). Instead, it is lifted as the part...
Is this problem solved? I have the same error too.
> Yes, solved in the lastest SVF version. Please try and let me know. I installed the newst SVF, but there is another error when I analyzed vmlinux. ``` john@ubuntu:~/Desktop/test/bitcode$...