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Hello, Thanks for the great work!!! Can one use ubuntu? or must it be on Windows? If yes, please can you provide more information for non windows users. Thanks once...

Hi, I trained a model with the public dataset but the result is strange. Could you please some tips for training. Thanks. I have one class and I set the...

如题,不知道作者是否遇到过,训练完成的yolov5x模型,在python版本正确率为98%,但是转换为tensorrt后经过测试,正确率只有90%左右,其中模型转换过程log如下: [09/27/2021-11:27:04] [I] Host Latency [09/27/2021-11:27:04] [I] min: 11.3848 ms (end to end 21.3677 ms) [09/27/2021-11:27:04] [I] max: 13.1256 ms (end to end 24.1753 ms) [09/27/2021-11:27:04] [I] mean: 11.67 ms...

如题,yolov5_detector.cpp在推理阶段时如果输入的batch是多个的话(即大于1) ![yolov5-detector输入多batch](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55178320/134622895-a8de8721-3e60-4031-9fd2-2fe584634bbd.png) 那么会报以下错误: ![yolov5-detector报错](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/55178320/134622908-5a0c7740-827b-4f49-b420-8b07fbd800de.png) 请问有可能是什么原因导致的呢?

Hi, I tried to transfer yolo3-spp pt file to onnx, and here is the error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "Libtorch_yolo_to_onnx.py", line 779, in main() File "Libtorch_yolo_to_onnx.py", line 771,...

如题,我看源码是支持int8的,想尝试一下,但是不知道步骤,大神有具体的步骤吗?我尝试时老是失败,是需要先生成int8的模型吗?还是怎么操作呢? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39027951/132475145-5f80a07c-a5e8-4ed6-aadc-b89356e64c55.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/39027951/132475231-b6a2b00f-1f82-4059-a686-e2de5cee5ae6.png)

There is a issue with the current doclib tag and the `glibc-2.34`, as mentioned [here](https://github.com/doctest/doctest/issues/473). I updated the Doctest to the latest tag. Before updating: ![test](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12504551/149255321-070ee428-81af-464e-8701-fb3446802bdc.png) ``` ./build/_deps/doctest-src/doctest/doctest.h:4036:47: error: size...

I'd like to have a parallel branch with a setup using C++20 modules instead of header files. At some later point, this would be merged to master. As I don't...

help wanted

(https://github.com/ttanzhiqiang/onnx_tensorrt_project/tree/main/src/classify)/classify.cpp 143行开始 ![Image 1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38492282/233827136-ff97478c-d1b9-4702-98ad-8efc51236338.png) 每个image都是同一个auto& tensor : m_OutputTensors,那每张图的结果都是一样了??