Michał Marcin Brzuchalski

Results 18 comments of Michał Marcin Brzuchalski

:+1: That would be great!

@Baldinof remove `doctrine.orm` from the config this is the thing, it is allowed to use only `doctrine.dbal` which don't register any `ManagerRegistry`

I've put PR which replaces usage of `glob()` with `FilesystemIterator` this enables any valid `StreamWrapper` to support directory scanning. This may allow usage of any other filesystem libraries which have...

I'd like to mention that I'd like to implement it but require some guidance for eg. where can I add these base normalizers which then can only reference by passing...

Actually, after thinking a while about it I was thinking that [rize/uri-template](https://packagist.org/packages/rize/uri-template) should be used instead of normalization through an OptionResolver since it already implements RFC6570 which is what OpenAPIv3...

Ok, after digging a while I think the `UriTemplate` solution suits best cause it allows expanding parameters with `matrix` and `label` styles in paths as well as `form` and `simple`,...

@Korbeil my current plan is to add into generator an `UriTemplate` property initialized in ctor. Then first thing would be to initialize `UriTemplate` with full path and query templating syntax...

Modification of endpoint could then be a subject of future scope cause in general proposed `UriTemplate` implementation is able to expand whole path+query without a need to manually merge them...

I tried with the additional property in `Endpoint` but I must say it looks nice but for `Endpoint` in this shape with `getUri` and `getQueryString` being separated it makes no...

@Korbeil need advice due to fact that [API Platform Demo - OAS](https://github.com/janephp/janephp/blob/next/src/OpenApi3/Tests/fixtures/api-platform-demo/apip-demo.json) uses parameter names with brackets like: `properties[]` and style: `form` which according to [parameter object reference sec. styles](https://swagger.io/specification/#parameter-object)...