Other than the I2C Slave Address, I noted that your library writes two additional address bytes which is only supported on 24C(64/128/256/512/1025) devices but is not compatible with 24C(01/02/04/08/16) devices...
To help constructors follow a standard, can I recommend listing recommendations for the Wire library regarding address assignments for an Arduino as a slave device? A list of non-reserved MSB...
64 bit integer numbers (long long/signed long long/unsigned long long/int64_t/uint64_t) along with the ULL formatter are currently not documented although the U/L/UL formatters have been documented in "Integer Constants". Can...
Notably absent in Arduino documentation is the listing of available ISR routines for a particular interrupt and microcontroller e.g. ISR(TIM0_OVF_vect) is the Timer 0 Overflow interrupt vector. For each board...
Currently, only the #define/#include hash prefixed functions are documented but there is no documentation on other functions with a hash prefix including but not limited to #if/#elif/#ifdef/#ifndef/#else/#error/#warning/#undef/#endif along with the...
= (compound bitshift right) are currently not described in the Language Reference, so can you describe these operations please?