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socket.timeout() exception is being thrown when using 'use_http2=True'

Open Harshith2396 opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

when i use 'use_http2=True' parameter in the query function, the data is retrieved and when the kafka stream stops sending data for more than 5 secs the python code throws an exception 'socket.timeout()', but when i dont use the extra parameter in the query function the query sends data and keeps waiting for data and does not throw exception

Harshith2396 avatar Oct 19 '20 11:10 Harshith2396

I also got this issue.

marcelfenerich avatar Jan 24 '22 16:01 marcelfenerich

#107 might also solve this. @dgkncelik

emrekuecuek avatar Jun 08 '22 06:06 emrekuecuek

@Harshith2396 @marcelfenerich @emrekuecuek a new release is coming very soon, please let me know if this problem persists after release.

KenCox94 avatar Jul 23 '22 01:07 KenCox94

Has this been solved ?

yxw avatar May 16 '23 06:05 yxw