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A python wrapper for the KSQL REST API.


A python wrapper for the KSQL REST API. Easily interact with the KSQL REST API using this library.

Supported KSQLDB version: 0.10.1+ Supported Python version: 3.5+

.. image:: https://travis-ci.org/bryanyang0528/ksql-python.svg?branch=master :target: https://travis-ci.org/bryanyang0528/ksql-python

.. image:: https://codecov.io/gh/bryanyang0528/ksql-python/branch/master/graph/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/bryanyang0528/ksql-python

.. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/ksql :target: https://pepy.tech/project/ksql

.. image:: https://pepy.tech/badge/ksql/month :target: https://pepy.tech/project/ksql/month

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-yellow.svg :target: https://github.com/bryanyang0528/ksql-python/blob/master/LICENSE


.. code:: bash

pip install ksql


.. code:: bash

git clone https://github.com/bryanyang0528/ksql-python
cd ksql-python
python setup.py install

Getting Started

Setup for KSQL

This is the GITHUB page of KSQL. https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql

If you have installed open source Confluent CLI (e.g. by installing Confluent Open Source or Enterprise Platform), you can start KSQL and its dependencies with one single command:

.. code:: bash

    confluent start ksql-server

Setup for ksql-python API
  • Setup for the KSQL API:

.. code:: python

from ksql import KSQLAPI
client = KSQLAPI('http://ksql-server:8088')
  • Setup for KSQl API with logging enabled:

.. code:: python

import logging
from ksql import KSQLAPI
client = KSQLAPI('http://ksql-server:8088')
  • Setup for KSQL API with Basic Authentication

.. code:: python

from ksql import KSQLAPI
client = KSQLAPI('http://ksql-server:8088', api_key="your_key", secret="your_secret")


| Option        | Type      | Required   | Description                                                  |
| ``url``       | string    | yes        | Your ksql-server url. Example: ``http://ksql-server:8080``   |
| ``timeout``   | integer   | no         | Timout for Requests. Default: ``5``                          |
| ``api_key``   | string    | no         | API Key to use on the requests                               |
| ``secret``    | string    | no         | Secret to use on the requests                                |

Main Methods

ksql ^^^^

This method can be used for some KSQL features which are not supported via other specific methods like query, create_stream or create_stream_as. The following example shows how to execute the show tables statement:

.. code:: python

client.ksql('show tables')
  • Example Response [{'tables': {'statementText': 'show tables;', 'tables': []}}]

query ^^^^^

It will execute sql query and keep listening streaming data.

.. code:: python

client.query('select * from table1')

This command returns a generator. It can be printed e.g. by reading its values via next(query) or a for loop. Here is a complete example:

.. code:: python

from ksql import KSQLAPI client = KSQLAPI('http://localhost:8088') query = client.query('select * from table1') for item in query: print(item)

  • Example Response



Query with HTTP/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Execute queries with the new /query-stream endpoint. Documented here <https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/latest/developer-guide/ksqldb-rest-api/streaming-endpoint/#executing-pull-or-push-queries>_

To execute a sql query use the same syntax as the regular query, with the additional use_http2=True parameter.

.. code:: python

client.query('select * from table1', use_http2=True)

A generator is returned with the following example response


   [3,43.0,"Palo Alto"]
   [3,43.0,"Palo Alto"]
   [3,43.0,"Palo Alto"]

To terminate the query above use the close_query call. Provide the queryId returned from the query call.

.. code:: python


Insert rows into a Stream with HTTP/2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Uses the new /inserts-stream endpoint. See documentation <https://docs.ksqldb.io/en/0.10.0-ksqldb/developer-guide/ksqldb-rest-api/streaming-endpoint/#inserting-rows-into-an-existing-stream>_

.. code:: python

rows = [
        {"ORDER_ID": 1, "TOTAL_AMOUNT": 23.5, "CUSTOMER_NAME": "abc"},
        {"ORDER_ID": 2, "TOTAL_AMOUNT": 3.7, "CUSTOMER_NAME": "xyz"}

results = self.api_client.inserts_stream("my_stream_name", rows)

An array of object will be returned on success, with the status of each row inserted.

Simplified API

create_stream/ create_table

.. code:: python



| Option          | Type      | Required | Description                                                  |
| ``table_name``  | string    | yes      | name of stream/table                                         |
| ``columns_type``| list      | yes      | ex:``['viewtime bigint','userid varchar','pageid varchar']`` |
| ``topic``       | string    | yes      | Kafka topic                                                  |
| ``value_format``| string    | no       | ``JSON`` (Default) or ``DELIMITED`` or ``AVRO``              |
| ``key``         | string    | for Table| Key (used for JOINs)                                         |

-  Responses

:If create table/stream succeed:
  return True

:If failed:
  raise a CreateError(respose_from_ksql_server)


a simplified api for creating stream as select

.. code:: python


.. code:: sql

  CREATE STREAM <table_name>
  [WITH ( kafka_topic=<kafka_topic>, value_format=<value_format>, property_name=expression ... )]
  AS SELECT  <select_columns>
  FROM <src_table>
  [WHERE <conditions>]
  PARTITION BY <partition_by>];


| Option            | Type      | Required | Description                                                  |
| ``table_name``    | string    | yes      | name of stream/table                                         |
| ``select_columns``| list      | yes      | you can select ``[*]`` or ``['columnA', 'columnB']``         |
| ``src_table``     | string    | yes      | name of source table                                         |
| ``kafka_topic``   | string    | no       | The name of the Kafka topic of this new stream(table).       |
| ``value_format``  | string    | no       | ``DELIMITED``, ``JSON``(Default) or ``AVRO``                 |
| ``conditions``    | string    | no       | The conditions in the where clause.                          |
| ``partition_by``  | string    | no       | Data will be distributed across partitions by this column.   |
| ``kwargs``        | pair      | no       | please provide ``key=value`` pairs. Please see more options. |


KSQL JOINs between Streams and Tables are not supported yet via explicit methods, but you can use the ksql method for this like the following:

.. code:: python

client.ksql("CREATE STREAM join_per_user WITH (VALUE_FORMAT='AVRO', KAFKA_TOPIC='join_per_user') AS SELECT Time, Amount FROM source c INNER JOIN users u on c.user = u.userid WHERE u.USERID = 1")


Run commands from a .ksql file. Can only support ksql commands and not streaming queries.

.. code:: python

     from ksql.upload import FileUpload
     pointer = FileUpload('http://ksql-server:8080')


| Option          | Type      | Required | Description                                                  |
| ``ksqlfile``    | string    | yes      | name of file containing the rules                            |

-  Responses

:If ksql-commands succesfully executed:
  return (List of server response for all commands)

:If failed:
  raise the appropriate error

More Options

There are more properties (partitions, replicas, etc...) in the official document.

`KSQL Syntax Reference <https://github.com/confluentinc/ksql/blob/0.1.x/docs/syntax-reference.md#syntax-reference>`_

-  Responses

:If create table/stream succeed:
  return True

:If failed:
  raise a CreatError(respose_from_ksql_server)