ksql-python icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ksql-python copied to clipboard

release new version based on current master branch?

Open Bradleywboggs opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

There's a bugfix on the master branch that's not currently available when you download this from pypi: namely a try...except StopIteration block was added in the process_query_results function in ksql.utils module.

Can you get a new minor version released to PyPI of the master branch?

Bradleywboggs avatar Jan 27 '22 19:01 Bradleywboggs

Hello @bryanyang0528 Is this project active ? I was looking around to contribute to python ksql and found this one. I would like to create simple CLI app around this library, but it depends if this library is supported and ready to accpet PRs and create new releaes.

eshepelyuk avatar Feb 03 '22 05:02 eshepelyuk

@eshepelyuk apologies for the delayed response. @bryanyang0528 is working on updates. should see a new release soon.

KenCox94 avatar Jul 23 '22 01:07 KenCox94