
Results 5 issues of 樱木

Hi, I set Timeout and MaxRefresh all to 1 minutes,when token expired after one minute,I use old token in the header and request refresh_token api but still return expired. If...

hi,I use lua-resty-upload to handle big file upload, I use an extension of this version which have the part-split upload function, [repos link](https://github.com/zhjx922/lua-upload/blob/master/lua/upload.lua), when the last part upload complete, the...

I hava a qt app,want to use this lib for lzma2 compress. Do I need build the qtlzma first,compile it to a .so file?the example include "QtLZMA/qlzma.h",where this file from?...


使用一级目录,如 `rule1: uri ≈ ^/abc` 可以匹配到规则,但是使用下面 `rule1: uri ≈ ^/abc/def` 就匹配不到,前提是我的nginx 配置有rewrite了,跟这有关吗? ``` server { ... location /abc/ { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /abc/index.php?$1 last; } location ~ /abc/(.*)\.php{ fastcgi_pass ... }...