Bryan Oltman
Bryan Oltman
The gaussian blur filter crashes on 6.1.3. To reproduce, change the `FilterPosterize` case in `sliderMoved` to `self.imageView.image = [image gaussianBlur:(int)(value)];`
Seconding this. Would really prefer to import this as a pod instead of including them in my main project.
@goderbauer do these options exist outside of the CLI? For example, if I launched my app from VS Code, how would I access this functionality?
Oh interesting! I've been developing Flutter in VS Code for something like 3 years now and had no idea those commands existed.
@stuartmorgan I may at some point, although the source package has diverged enough that I will probably just open a new PR.
I had a test succeed when it shouldn't have, I think due to this issue. To reproduce: code (abbreviated for clarity): ```dart final deleteReleaseQuery = // the query; final deleteReleaseResponse...
I don't – I'm not totally sure what that would look like, to be honest. I've been using `Pool` to silence the analyzer warnings, but I'm not positive this is...
Good to know. I think updating the readme to include a code snippet under the `Connection pooling` header would be useful.