
Results 11 comments of bryanmcgrane

I ended up parsing the wav file header and grabbing the info from that :)

Yes that's exactly what I did!

@johanbrandhorst I have a branch with the working changes, but I'm unable to push to the repo - am seeing access denied. Can you grant me access to push my...

Thanks for that. The PR is here:

My mistake. Please try this villager. I verified it in vanilla. ``` /summon villager ~ ~ ~ {Willing:1b,VillagerData:{level:99,profession:"minecraft:armorer"},Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:'minecraft:copper_ore',Count:1b,tag:{display:{Name:'{"text":"Super Copper"}',Lore:["{\"text\":\"It's amazing\"}"]},Enchantments:[{}]}},sell:{id:'minecraft:iron_axe',Count:1b}}]}} ```

How easy is the fix? I'd love to move to a paper server from vanilla!

There was an error with my example above. Apologies on that. Here is the query that causes the issue: ``` deviceModel, err := dbClient.Device.FindFirst( db.Device.DeviceIDTenantID( db.Device.DeviceID.Equals(device.DeviceID), db.Device.TenantID.Equals(tenant.ID), ), ).Exec(context.Background()) ```

Thank you for the clarification! I can work with that for now, but I would love to see this supported in the future.

Definitely! I have a database that currently serves many customers. In order to facilitate this, I've added a Tenant FK column to every table in my DB. In order to...

I have the same question. Did you end up finding a solution?