Bryan J Swift

Results 4 issues of Bryan J Swift

I'm not sure if this is an error because I'm using Enterprise Edition but when saving a stockist from the listing screen (`InlineEdit`) I'm getting an error generated by the...


Released in `stream-chat` 5.6.0 was a change to the type of `Attachment`, see, that added `file_size` with a type of `string | undefined | number`. This type can not...


### Description Simple components are producing `TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent` after updating `@chakra-ui/system` to 2.5.5 and `typescript` to 5.0.3. Here is a...

Topic: TypeScript 🤠

**Current behavior:** Simple components are producing `TS2590: Expression produces a union type that is too complex to represent` when using `@chakra-ui/system` to 2.5.5 and `typescript` to 5.0.3. Below is a...

needs triage