bryan heinz
bryan heinz
I was thinking through potential states that I would like to know about. I'm sure that I'll come up with more as I roll out XCreds 😅 For context, my...
I'd still love to have this feature. While I’ve already rolled out XCreds, I'd still like to be able to output its status via CLI. I could then write a...
Sorry for the delayed response. First, I wouldn't hold back v5 for this. I'd rather see v5 released and collaborate on this than rush this out the door or hold...
i'd like to toss in a recommendation for tossing in Sample Scripts and a link to your support site and maybe this Github under the Help menu item. doesn't hurt...
i've been running a bunch of tests in 10.14 and 10.15. i _think_ this is a problem with needing Full Disk Access. i'm running a standard user account and ran...