Results 30 issues of Bruno Postle

The IFC Space Space Boundary elements are not an exact representation of the @wassimj Topologic CellComplex, this should be stored as alternative representations for Space, Slab, Wall, Window etc.. elements.


Undo currently sort-of works: if there are no IfcProject collections in the blender file, the Blenderbim ifcstore singleton is flushed, and the IFC model is generated as if this was...

help wanted

One of the aims of this add-on is to create an interactive version of the [Homemaker evolutionary design]( software. Homemaker assesses buildings using fitness criteria based on Christopher Alexander's *A...

help wanted

Currently the add-on reads DXF files for 3D assets such as windows, doors and columns, and 2D assets for extrusion profiles and assembles a Project Library for each style on...

help wanted

Generated IFC objects should have a deterministic UUID generated as a hash of: the IFC class; an index number (for repeating elements); the CellComplex face or cell ID; and a...

Currently the add-on uses folders that ship with the code for storing style definitions. There should be a possibility for users to create their own styles that are stored in...

help wanted

Currently the add-on assumes all dimensions are metres (metres are the Blender default). However it should be fixed to support all units supported by Blenderbim such as inches, centimetres etc..

help wanted

The Homemaker add-on ships with a module called `topologist` that provides additional methods that are not provided by the various `topologic` classes. For instance, `import topologist.face` appends a new `topologic.Face.IsVertical()`...

help wanted

Currently walls are mitred if they meet the 'external' condition. This happens within multi-segment walls and at the ends, the expectation is that 'external' walls wrap around the building even...


The intention is that openings in a wall segment should be evenly spaced, occasionally they are not as shown below, this is a bug: ![image](
