Bruno Perdigão
Bruno Perdigão
### Checklist - [X] Using a stable version of Neovim (i.e. not neovim nightly) - [X] `:PackerSync` - [X] `:AstroUpdate` - [X] Restarted AstroNvim ### AstroNvim version Version: v1.9.2 ###...
Hi, First, thanks for the awesome work. I noticed that Neo-tree greys out folders named with special characters. I usually avoid using this kind of characters, but since I speak...
Hi, First, thanks for this great plugin. I would like to suggest that the `Insert Task List Renderer` option could include the tasks scheduled for the next few days. It...
When I add a file that comes from a repo from another owner, the ifc-git panel doesn't show any options. I figure that this is a git standard behavior and...