Animation-Sequencer copied to clipboard
A visual tool that allows you to create animated sequences of tweens and tweak them on editor time.
When setting a finite loop, the OnFinishedEvent is fired at each tick. I think it should be registered as an OnComplete callback rather than AppendCallback callback.
Would be nice to be able to animate the progress bar via mechanim system, that way we can integrate tweens animations in the Timeline for example. This would be super...
It seems like there is one additional EditorUpdate prior to OnDisable being called where the serializedObject is 'null' (Not actually null - but it doesn't point to any Unity Object)...
hey , when i try to tween some text mesh pro texts in a numerical scramble mode the generated numbers will remain forever in the text mesh pro field. is...
When I play the preview, all steps parameter get greyed out. I have to select another gameobject in the hierarchy and reselect the Animation sequencer to be able to tweak...
When using the following code: `await screenEnterSequencerController.PlayAsync();` UniTask throws the warning: `yield Coroutine is not supported on await IEnumerator or IEnumerator.ToUniTask(), please use ToUniTask(MonoBehaviour coroutineRunner) instead.` As a result of...
Hello i encountered following situation: When playing AnimationSequencerController (`OnEnable,OnAwake` or using `Play()` from code) `OnStart` and `OnProgressEvent` are being fired every time but `OnFinishedEvent` is fired only **once** when sequencer...