Bruno Borges

Results 81 comments of Bruno Borges

Initially my comment was that the total amount of CPU/RAM for Single-Threaded Workload X plus LB should equal Multi-Threaded Workload Y minus LB. But in reality, any cloud-based deployment would...

And regarding `duration`, anything below 10min IMO is not realistic enough for fair comparisons between languages/runtimes, because some have JIT compilers.

Thanks a lot Juergen for sharing the roadmap for 6.0. This will certainly speed up modernization of Java applications with latest JDK releases, as Spring has become a de facto...

> I suppose it's an open question for the JDK why `jdeps` thinks you need all those other modules when actually you don't, at least for the "normal" code paths....

Just tried 16.0.1 and I still see this issue. Hey @johanvos, have you seen this problem? ``` master -> origin/master ✔ 2d0h java:16.0.1 ▶ ./fx2048 Error opening "/Users/bruno/myprojects/fx2048/build/installers/" file:...

This seems fixed in 17-ea (at least build 31). But I still can't produce a good PKG for MacOS. The app image works, but not the PKG after installed.

@siordache thanks! Sorry I forgot to report back, but I was able to get a log using $ open [params], by directing stdout/stderr to a file.

It was an issue with the Java code itself.

Missing `Java` in the filter as well. And it is important that the search results for this filter do not include those related to `JavaScript`.

We should investigate how the Spring Boot Maven plugin works. It requires no `execution`