Results 16 comments of brucmao

同样win10 1803 缩放与布局为125的时候也是这样 ![](

同样抖动,发现原因了,缩放与布局改为100就不会出现问题 ![](


看到dockerhub更新了,重新更新dockerhub镜像,还是提示要更新 ``` docker image ls REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE hagb/docker-easyconnect 7.6.3 2775012799f6 7 hours ago 515MB fake-hwaddr latest 0afbe8e13f31 5 days ago 214MB ``` ![Snipaste_2022-07-20_09-46-13](

> 停docker后清理一下$HOME/.ecdata,然后在启动容器试一试,我是这么解决的 感谢,清理后成功登录


Apache [Groovy]( is a powerful, optionally typed and dynamic language here is groovy build system, I build groovy with shortcuts ctrl+b `groovy.sublime-build` ``` { "cmd": ["groovy","$file"], "selector": "source.groovy", "file_regex": "[...


这个[TODO) 在python(pycharm)中无法注释使用把,前面加#[TODO) 渲染失败,java中 //[TODO) 倒是显示正常 看来只能使用多行注释 '''[TODO)''' 这样倒是可以

> Seems like synology uses a package manager we're not on. If you're on x86 platform, you can download the prebuilt release: Thanks for you reply, seems do not...