
Results 13 issues of Rick

there maybe someting wrong with docker-compose, I'm a newbie in Docker compose, when I run `make docker_run`, it produce some error message ```sh ~/go/src/github.com/savsgio/microservice-email(master*) » make docker_run cd docker &&...

I upload a file two time, it save the file two time with different hash prefix, that's a bug! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8622915/98561605-0e231480-22e4-11eb-89d9-1737c5c72c05.png) I think, before we upload a file, we should calculate...

I noticed that, if I build from source, the current working directory will generate a target, and it's huge ```sh ~/rust/github.com/vi/websocat(master) » du -sh target 370M target ``` so, if...

Hi melbahja! I got 2 issue while using `got`, maybe we can improve 1. save disk space I use `got` to download a file from http server support range feature....

Hi oopsguy: just some optimization 1. we don't need to check `url ` variable in [main.go](https://github.com/oopsguy/m3u8/blob/4150e93ec8f4f8718875a02973f5d792648ecb97/main.go#L34), cause in [download.go](https://github.com/oopsguy/m3u8/blob/4150e93ec8/dl/dowloader.go#L44) we have already deal with this situation. I have tested on...

as documented [here](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/builder/#workdir): If the WORKDIR doesn’t exist, it will be created even if it’s not used in any subsequent Dockerfile instruction. so there is no need `RUN mkdir /weaver`

Hi wybiral I add a Dockerfile to make this project able to run in container. to mount a config.json file from host machine, I change the project structure, move config.json...

Hi shimberger: maybe we can persistent log for later debuging. so I use `gopkg.in/natefinch/lumberjack.v2` to persistent logfile, **default is `logs/server.log`** and the log format change a bit logformat before: ```sh...

单纯的通过上传图片文件的后缀来决定图片的类型不一定正确,比如,我把一个 .jpg 文件的后缀改成 .png,但是实际的图片类型其实还是 .jpg,而不是 .png 更可靠的方式是通过二进制文件的**magic number signature** 来判断,我发现一个项目 [filetype](https://github.com/h2non/filetype) ,基本原理就是通过二进制文件的 magic number signature 判断文件的类型,当然也包括图片文件

Hi RitterHou: gald to see your project, just some minor optimization