@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
@brody4hire - C. Jonathan Brody
Whenever someone raises an issue with a bug report, I think there should be a checkbox item such as: - [ ] A minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the...
Here are some changes needed to suppress ugly deprecation warnings when building on Android. Note that with these changes, old `android.annotation` package is no longer used. This is desired since...
* Fixes for Android: - remove trailing whitespace - remove extra blank line - convert tabs to spaces (and space after an if statement) * Fixes for iOS - remove...
Proposal to cherry-pick the fix proposed in PR #28 _without the whitespace fixes that are now part of PR #109_. The change in behavior makes sense to me. I think...
### Platforms affected all ### Motivation and Context __updated:__ From a regex used in PR #853 to test this functionality, I think it would be nice to simplify this a...
- drop support for Node.js < 10 - drop support for Windows 8.1 & Windows Phone 8.1, as I proposed in PR #371 - use @cordova/eslint-config (issue #370) - _update...
in a similar fashion to apache/cordova-common#105
I think we should deprecate Windows pre-10 support and remove it from an upcoming release, as @janpio already proposed in PR #264. @janpio what do you think?
Continuation of which is now closed: cordova-windows has suffered from the following issues with `template/Properties/Default.rd.xml` that was introduced in GH-228 ([CB-12499](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-12499)): - [CB-13834](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CB-13834) - problem building with build with params...
As I said in #2 I discovered this nice project through and thought of the following: - Would this project benefit RxJava or other reactive APIs? - Should there be...