There isn't a corresponding method for before_enqueue_stats though?
Done. I'm still not sure on best way to test this. Any ideas?
I'm still around, but haven't heard anything back since rebasing. Test fail on Rails 3 but I think we just skip that since it's super unsupported now. Still pretty unsure...
Based on #538 is this one also invalid if `#decorate` is being removed? Otherwise I can look at it more just might need a bit of advice in best way...
Is marco march in another language? I just had a try and english and german returned the same results: ``` ruby irb(main):007:0> Date.parse 'march' => # irb(main):008:0> Date.parse 'marsch' =>...
I seem to recall some of the tests explicitly testing that it worked with things like "Today" and "Yesterday". So your idea is possible, would just require removing that functionality....
You're right. Today and Yesterday are handled explicitly. I'm not sure what values we'd like to support, my main use for this library is the really basic text searching stuff....
Can you send me the full SQL of the query it generates at the moment? I don't have the code open right now, just figuring out if its already aliasing...
@diresquirrel @anazar thanks guys, much appreciated. Could I also see: - The part of the model which sets up your joins to the negotiator and primary_client_contacts_claims - The code you're...
OK this ends up being much more complicated than initially anticipated. The reason being how rails handles subsequent includes. I did some testing on my own projects while investigating. For...