Brock Klein
Brock Klein
@hassanasad 2 years later and I'm facing the same problem. I tried getting @axcairns's solution working with no luck. Were you ever able to accomplish your goal using `iMask`?
@hassanasad ahh, sad day. Thanks for the quick response. I guess I'll have to evaluate whether I want to learn from those who have gone before me or experience the...
@hassanasad oh, good call, that's helpful insight. Thank you!
@uNmAnNeR oh sweet! Thanks for the followup here. Is supporting the mask class the changes that make this possible or was that already supported and we just didn't realize this...
@uNmAnNeR man, I feel ya there. No worries at all. It's definitely a little sad that the library can't be maximally used by those of us who are less familiar...