Brian Nuszkowski

Results 12 comments of Brian Nuszkowski

Can you please provide some more context around how you get this error? e.g. How your configs are setup, etc. I am unable to reproduce this. The latest version should...

I'd like to get more insight so we can potentially properly handle this exception. A few questions: 1. What are the contents of your ~/.aws/config file? 2. Does your credentials...

Hi There! I anticipate this would not be a trivial change, especially since it looks like the command-line implementation will require some additional software. I'm definitely open to accepting PRs...

Hi there. You should already be able to accomplish this...from the docs... ---- This allows you to access multiple environments without the need to run aws-mfa each time you want...

Some use cases involve running the binary in a stand alone fashion, not inside of a container, where the endpoint flag would not be used.

You're right! I think this might be a remnant from much older work that involved utilizing `eval` to capture outputs. Walking through this change, since it's just the removal of...

@geekflyer I think this can be trivially accomplished by referencing the original environment variable key and re-declaring to the variable of your choice: ``` - env: - name: OIDC_SECRET value:...

Hi @rbakhtaraev - Are you using the KV Secrets Engine V2? To determine version number, run `vault secrets list -detailed` and inspect the Options column for `version:2`.

> Do we care about backwards compatibility or is this PR to be intentionally backwards incompatible? Yes, I think we should save this for version 2.0. Agree?