Results 10 comments of Brice BERNARD

Maybe you can open a WIP PR, cheer

Why not validate address against google map services? If you'd like some kind of select field why not use a auto-complete plugin and keep field as regular text? btw your...

As I understand, you want to add a relationship of kind One Pizza Has Many Ingredients (is that true?) I've already seen rendering of this kind of relationship here (,...

You are right, classnames are camelized, and so this can lead to something wrong... I don't have the answer right now, but having both display-2 and display2 is an edge...

Hello, Same for ".fr" ``` Error: purchasing: TLDRulesViolation: [ADMIN.STATE: 'LORRAINE' is not required for France, and should not be set, OWNER.STATE: 'LORRAINE' is not required for France, and should not...

I think this is related to docker itself, see

Mounting a single file (like main.go) prevent watcher from working. You need to mount the whole dir, don't know if related to docker or modd itself. ```yml volumes: # -...

`createdb` and `dropdb` are psql commands

It allows also to simplify the supervisor configuration too as the `environment` line would be useless. This same file could also be reference for cron or whatever... @fzaninotto @Kmaschta @alexisjanvier...

direnv is really nice as autoloaded when you enter a directory, but envdir is much usable for admin task (cron, makefile, supervisor)... I'm thinking about having the best of 2...