No, I can't fix it.
Good job Sent from my iPhone > On Mar 24, 2559 BE, at 3:30 PM, Dmitriy [email protected] wrote: > > Use solution from #10 (comment) > > Add lines below...
@mihaa1 In my project, i have 1. Vue3 (Frontend) 2. Backend (Golang API) 3. Authorizer (without MFA) 1) Frontend -> Authorizer 1. My Frontend (Vue3) login direct to Authorizer and...
@mihaa1 [Example in Golang SDK]( `func (s *jwtAuthorizer) IsAuth() fiber.Handler { return func(c *fiber.Ctx) error { authHeader := c.GetReqHeaders()["Authorization"] tokenSplit := strings.Split(authHeader, " ") if len(tokenSplit) < 2 || tokenSplit[1]...
@lakhansamani Thank you. I think we should add this to document. ?