
Results 25 comments of bricco1981

i find it try to build, it build fine but injection does not work. still the same command to put the radio in monitor mode or not?

any new on this? can you explain more how to do that. should i recompile the kernel?

i' m not sure why victim is not redirected to the portals, it 's driving me crazy. ap and deauth is working fine, the victim get an ip address, but...

not sure here if we are on the same boat, i'm trying to make wifiphisher work on android. not sure about windows.

i'm not sure why people ask for 5ghz band? it's very simple! lanch wifiphisher on 2.4ghz, clone a 5 ghz network with your 2.4ghz usb adapter, with another adapter 5ghz,...

plug in your usb adapter or adapters iw dev wlan0 del airmon-ng check kill 'airmon-ng will ask you if you want create an interface for phy0' just say n wifiphisher

hi, some progress here. i'm able to create an ap and at the same time to deauth, clients can connect to the ap, but no captive portal. any advice @sophron...

@vikingloudmouth no, i get alot of errors, i stopped now. maybe i''ll start again when i 'll have free time. have you dome progress?

No,mt7615 are not the driver you Need . You Need mt7663.

so can you share the driver on github? or explain neded modification?