Brian Stock

Results 74 comments of Brian Stock

Hello, Sorry for the slow reply! I haven't built in that functionality for TEF data. From a modelling standpoint, I think you could justify either estimating longer term diet separately...

Hi Fernando, First, there is no one "MixSIAR model" - there are lots of options you choose that determine the model, which depends on your data and what you're interested...

I agree that the User Manual is not as clear as it could be. I'm planning on giving it an update, and when I do I'll more explicitly spell out...

Additionally, if you are ever unsure exactly what equations are being used, you can look at the "mixsiar_model.txt" file that is created when you run a model. That is the...

The main difference is that covariance is estimated when raw source data are given. When only means and SDs are given there is no information on the correlation between tracers...

Interesting. I've only thought briefly about this for cannibalism, not intraguild predation (assuming for a multi trophic level model?)... seems like mixing models are limited in this regard. How do...

Ah, didn't think of the TDF. Maybe it would be prevented from estimating mixture-as-source as 100% then, and the prior wouldn't have to be too strong... but with the "fully...

Interesting - I'll check that out. Also, cannibalism could be occurring, but adults on juveniles (or bigger on smaller in general), which likely have different isotopic signatures. Not uncommon in...

Hi Emilia, Yes, you can do the same in MixSIAR, since it also generates posterior distributions for the contribution of each source (MCMC samples/chains). For examples on how to access...

Hmm, I'm not sure. What is the structure of your data?