Brian Stock

Results 74 comments of Brian Stock

I just re-ran that vignette without problems. `output_stats` is an exported function so should be there if you have loaded MixSIAR, eg `library(MixSIAR)`.

Does the vignette work? That is step one. I can't think of a reason for that error except the package not being loaded. I confirmed that the vignette works on...

And you installed from Github instead of CRAN as in the vignette? ```remotes::install_github("brianstock/MixSIAR", dependencies=T)``` What do you get when you run: ``` > devtools::package_info("MixSIAR", dependencies=F) package * version date (UTC)...

I'm sorry, I can't think of any reason those functions aren't in your MixSIAR install... since your R is up-to-date and you just re-installed from Github. Did you have a...

Hi, Sorry for the slow response... I think you would need the model predicted tracer values, and then compare these to the tracer observations. The proportions/contributions are estimated parameters, not...

Hi, sorry about that. I don't know why that is, the plot should just adjust the source means and SDs by the TDF means and SDs. Can you can post...

There's your problem - you're subtracting about 30 from the source d13C because you have -30 in the TDF file mean column.

TDF = tissue discrimination factor, and is an offset to account for cases where the source isotope values are modified before being expressed in the mixture. This commonly happens in...

Hi, It's impossible to help unless you at least post your code, and better would be a reproducible example: . On Mon, Mar 14, 2022, 1:25 AM morgandobroski ***@***.***>...

Yes, see the snail example: That has only 1 isotope and 2 sources. The alligator ex has 2 sources and 2 isotopes. And some of the other examples have...