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A framework for Bayesian mixing models in R:
Hello! I used MixSIAR successfully since ~2018 (thanks a lot by the way for this modeling framework!!). I´ve used the gui and modified the example scripts to use my data...
I am running a mixing model with a single isotope (15N) and concentration dependence. When I load the source data in using concentration dependence I get the error message: Error...
Hi Brian, I ran a model with species as a fixed effect (2 species/groups) and individual as a random effect. I am really only interested right now in extracting the...
Hi, I adapted the alligator script to use with my own data set on bears. I keep encountering errors, the first one appears after I attempt to create the isospace...
Hi! I have been looking into the possibility to use MixSIAR for a combined dataset with both stable isotopes and fatty acids as tracers, as done in the study by...
Hello, I have been running MixSIAR to assess potential Pb sources in my study area sediments. I have 3 tracers, 4 sources, about 100 samples/mixtures, and no discrimination factors (trophic...
HELLO, I‘m practicing the modle,Mixsiar,with the R script.But,I met some problems that I can not solve.I practiced the example of wloves in the manual.I successfully loaded the mix data with...
HELLO, I‘m practicing the modle,Mixsiar,with the R script,But,I met some problems that I can not solve.I practiced the example of wloves in the manual.I successfully loaded the mix data with...
Hello, I had two separate questions I was hoping that somebody could help with: First, when I am modeling a continuous variable with multiple dietary source groups, is it possible...
se_dLOOic not being calculated and Warning Errors for relative effective samples and Pareto K diag.
Ive run my models and when I get to the comparison table, it generates a table, but also says `There were warnings (use warnings() to see them)` and these are...