Brianna Renni
Brianna Renni
Same here, just downloaded both Ultra beta and the last stable release. Unless I'm missing something, clicking any theme has no effect?
Windows famously doesn't play well with Helvetica Neue because of the rendering differences between the two OS. I haven't looked over the code yet but if that's in the fallback...
@Ademking Got you fam 😎 Tested it on my PC too.
@Ademking You're still seeing the faulty rendering because that push still has Helvetica in the font stacks. It would have to be totally replaced by Arial in all font-stack rules,...
Hi, I'm looking for a good first issue to use as a first time contribution! Is this the only file that needs the typo fix, or does the typo appear...
> Hey @briannarenni! We'd want to update every file where this occurs: > > ``` > test/factories.rb > 99: reccomend_textbook { false } > > test/system/reviews_system_test.rb > 91: assert review.reccomend_textbook...
I'm going to fork it and try this out, I think I've got it down just for the column name change. If I create a migration file in my fork...
Oh great timing, I think the only thing I'm not totally sure of is this in your example: `rename_column(:sections, :instructors, :registrar_instructors)` Is this change in the same sections table?
Alright, I made the fork so I should have a PR in the next few minutes then! I love trying new things, I just want to make sure I don't...
Agh. Unfortunately I have Ruby installed, but am running into an issue with my PATH and the pre-installed older version on my Mac. I'm going to spend some time trying...