
Results 5 issues of bcmc

Test 7 ```test_array_cpu``` hangs when complied with OpenCL on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS using NVIDIA OpenCL Description =========== * Build is successful * AWS EC2 g3s instance (NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU)...


Using this arrayfire release (https://arrayfire.s3.amazonaws.com/3.8.0/ArrayFire-v3.8.0_Linux_x86_64.sh) on the opencl backend with the python api I get the following error. ```python import arrayfire as af af.set_backend('opencl') random_signal = af.random.randn(100) test = af.signal.fft(random_signal)...

Bun is required for `pc run` and is installed using curl. Would it be possible to also support installation of bun using an npm repository? Thanks for your consideration,


**Description** When curl and unzip is not installed the `pc init` command shows Finished Initializing even though it failed. When you go on to do a `pc run` pynecone fails...

### Search before asking - [X] I searched in the [issues](https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues) and found nothing similar. ### Version 3.1.2 ### Minimal reproduce step tar -xf apache-pulsar-3.1.2-bin.tar.gz ### What did you expect...