Brian M
Brian M
### SPECIFIC ISSUE ENCOUNTERED ArSession_getSupportedCameraConfigsWithFilter returns empty list as verified by printing size value received from method ArCameraConfigList_getSize `#### ArSession_getSupportedCameraConfigsWithFilter returned list of size 0 ` ### VERSIONS USED ARCore...
I followed the instructions on the ARCore Unity "Quickstart for Android" document at using Unity 2019.4.3f1 Personal on Windows 10 I got it to build and install on my...
I successfully built the PCL for Android arm64-v8a libraries, but then got an error attempting to build the example app. Appears to be an issue with Gradle configuration. It is...
I followed the steps in the README to update my project build.gradle and app build.gradle When I build on Ubuntu Linux with ./gradlew clean assembleDebug I get the following errors...
Hello, I tried using mjpg_streamer with an old Raspberry Pi Model B+ V1.2 and a USB camera. When I connected to my home network using an Ethernet cable, with high...
I am trying a version of your code. Got it to work on an Android phone. But curious if it is possible to skip the steps of converting colorspace from...