AutoSPSourceBuilder copied to clipboard
A utility for building / slipstreaming SharePoint 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019 / SE installation sources w/ prerequisites, service packs, language packs & cumulative/public updates. To quickly download a...
Regarding the AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml there are some download sources with http and some with https protocol. I have a strange situation with my (Symantec) proxy that is blocking http downloads when...
First, great script system! Everything downloaded aok. Got an error extracting OWA CU path files. Could not find the file or path, line 702: char 13. Sept 2016 CU for...
Hi, any chance to implement /sxs sources download for Framework 3.5? Without that we always have to download Windows image first and extract that sources from there for the AutoSPInstaller...
Should we add some better release management with continuous integration pipelines? Maybe also release pipelines if now the module is released by manually running code? I can contribute, I have...
Fixes unsupported / not implemented UI.RawUI.ReadKey in PowerShell ISE using Read-Host (+Write-Progress for showing download progress)
I think there's a hard coded base path somewhere in the scripte when using the UpdateLocation parameter. So when I'm using a different then the default path C:\SP\SP2019 in the...
As of November 2018, Microsoft shut down the Hotfix service. That causes many of the SP 2013 updates crash and retry. I am not sure if it would be ok...
Is it possible to exploit AutoSPSourceBuilder for slipstreaming only OOS server, without SharePoint. I've got an OOS image mounted to E drive, then I run `&"C:\Windows\Temp\SPUpgradeSharedFolder\AutoSPSource Builder\AutoSPSourceBuilder.ps1" -WACSourceLocation "E:" -Destination...
As far as I can see at, it's not a cumulative update, but just security update...
According to [Hardware and software requirements for SharePoint Server 2016]( AppFabric CU1 is not in the list of prerequisites, so I believe it should be removed from the AutoSPSourceBuilder.xml