Brian Duffield - Okta
Brian Duffield - Okta
Hi @chrisdlangham, many thanks for this feedback and apologies for the delay in replying. I've opened a ticket to review and address this with our engineering team. Will keep you...
Hi @cartian! Thanks for posting your issue. Can I ask for some more specifics on what what you're looking for? It can help with a potential revision of this page/content,...
Hi @exitcode0 I'll create an internal ticket to track this request. Thanks for the post.
Thanks for the feedback. These SPA guides are being revised for accuracy.
The applicable code on this old guide is updated. I'll run through this guide shortly and hopefully close the issue.
Due to age, the following three Classic guides have been removed from the repo: Sign-in to SPA with an Embedded Widget (Angular, React, and VuePress versions). Closing this issue.
Thanks, Gabriel. Will review and get back to you on this one, too.
Logged internal ticket to address: [](
Assigned it to another writer. Let me check.
Hi Gabriel, Unfortunately, just in the backlog, I think. The monthly release is taking precedence at the moment; hopefully, after that. Brian