I've recently had to deal with similar issues myself. the issue is, you need to be able to 1) send the rendered high rez camera targetTexture to Syphon and 2)...
Do you have a crash log?
convince @vade or @bangnoise to port Syphon to Metal and I can make it work in Unity again. GL Core support is a bit of a nightmare. I'm not sure...
@vade this actually isn't true. Unity 'Personal' (as of Unity 5) now supports RenderTextures / Image Effects / supports everything Pro supports. Not sure why you'd be seeing black, though....
Can't you just stick a SyphonServerAlphaOne*.cs *image effect on the camera you're trying to render the syphon server with? It'll write 1 to the alpha channel- if the image looks...
check out TwitterDemo.cs - i call those methods in the TwitterDemo.unity scene that I modified in my branch to have UI canvas buttons that change the orientation. it def breaks...