Brett Buddin
Brett Buddin
📎 Naming of tests is important. We should converge on some naming conventions for tests and subtests. I've made the mistake that Hashimoto described in his talk regarding indices...
Indeed. A hard and fast rule is: If you use the `go` keyword, you need to be asking yourself "How will this goroutine terminate? Will it ever? How do I...
Hmmmm could you run `shaden -device-list` and paste the output? The indices of those inputs and outputs can be selected using `-device-in INDEX` and `-device-out INDEX` respectively. It might be...
This might be something I need to improve on. Ideally inputs shouldn’t be required, but right now I think it might be. I’ll make a branch with some adjustments for...
Could you pull down this branch and give it a try? By giving the `-device-in` a negative index like `-1` it'll disable the lookup of the input device entirely....
This device selection implementation was the dumbest thing I could do sort of situation way back when, and it can be improved. For now I'm going to commit to this...
On macOS I can run: `system_profiler SPAudioDataType -xml` and get something like this: ``` _SPCommandLineArguments /usr/sbin/system_profiler -nospawn -xml SPAudioDataType -detailLevel full _SPCompletionInterval 0.084399938583374023 _SPResponseTime 0.17759394645690918 _dataType SPAudioDataType _detailLevel -1 _items...
Could you pull down `no-input` once more and give it another go? I'm replacing a negative value `-1` with the string `none` to be more clear.
Agreed. I'll only allow it to be used for `-device-in` for now. I'll get this merged in and at some point look into default device lookup for each platform. I'll...
I just realized this project doesn't have support for 2.x yet. Do you need help with implementing this?