Hi Greg, Thanks for reviewing. Perhaps if I explain how we are using the VFPX class. I work for a company that has an ERP system written in FoxPro to...
Thanks Greg, Sounds good. I note that for our purposes, whether the numeric columns are totalled is optional. Some users may want a summed total on their grids but other...
Hi Greg, On another issue, I have noticed the following. When I create a spreadsheet via the SAVETABLETOWORKBOOKEX method using release 39, I note that I cannot manually (or via...
Hi Greg, Just tested using SAVETABLETOWORKBOOK and it all is OK. Maybe SAVETABLETOWORKBOOKEX is supposed to act in this way. Either way, I can use SAVETABLETOWORKBOOK all Ok so all...
Hi Greg, That’s for that. Tested with the updated class and all seems to work well. Kind regards, Brett Hudson Help Desk Manager Redgum Software & Support Yellow Goanna Pty...
Hi Greg, Re the totalling, I had a bit more of a look at the documentation for the ‘savegridtoworkbookex’ method and I can see that if the grid that is...