combined-pvalues copied to clipboard
ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'start'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/anaconda3/bin/comb-p", line 4, in
I installed the latest version but still wrong, does anyone could help me?
hi, you can add a '#' to the start of your header line so that comb-p knows it's a header.
thank you! I add a '#' to the start of header line, it worked. however, another error occured. `comb-p pipeline -c 4 --seed 0.01 --dist 500 --region-filter-p 0.01 \
-p ./ --annotate hg19 cgInfor_combp_final_sort.bed setting --acf-dist to 0.33 * --dist == 170 calculated stepsize as: 170 ACF: #lag_min lag_max correlation N p 1 171 0.1543 115308 0 wrote: ./.acf.txt
original lambda: 1.38
wrote: ./.slk.bed.gz with lambda: 1.42 wrote: ./.fdr.bed.gz wrote: ./.regions.bed.gz (14 regions)
read 14 regions from ./.regions.bed.gz
calculating ACF out to: 166
with 2 lags: [1, 171]
Done with one-time ACF calculation
361348 bases used as coverage for sidak correction
"warning: 0-length region found.
does input have 0-length intervals? using length of 1 and not reporting
further 0-length intervalswrote: ./.regions-p.bed.gz, (regions with corrected-p < 0.05: 7)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/anaconda3/bin/comb-p", line 4, in
can you show the output of head -1 cgInfor_combp_final_sort.bed
head -1 cgInfor_combp_final_sort.bed
chr1 10850 10850 0.805014817073095 0.247123295906677
it seems the header line is missing after run the script upon
no. comb-p doesn't alter the original file, you gave it a file without a header and/or you sorted the header to somewhere other than the first line of the file.
yes, I must sorted first and add the header line. thank you for your explain!