Brenton Leighton
Brenton Leighton
Are you using the autopairs plugin? If not, can you tell me the output of this command: ``` :lua vim.print(vim.inspect(vim.fn.maparg("", "i", false, false))) ``` Edit: [nvim-autopairs]( (or [mini.pairs]( can be...
> Same issue, mine is: > > v:lua.MPairs.autopairs_bs() Can you show the output of the command before and after creating cursors? You could also use `:verbose imap ` to print...
Also can you make sure nvim_autopairs is up to date? I don't think they use the MPairs global variable anymore. It might be causing an issue that means multiple-cursors.nvim can't...
@erlonbie I just realised I probably need to address you to notify you of a response