Brentley Jones

Results 144 issues of Brentley Jones

Can you add to the benchmark? Before Nuke 7 it was one of the only frameworks that did progressive JPG, resumes, etc.

### Description of the problem / feature request: We encountered an error where bazel fails to read from the remote cache because it throws an execution locally. Seems to be...

type: bug
more data needed

### What version of rules_go are you using? 0.29.0 ### What version of gazelle are you using? 0.24.0 ### What version of Bazel are you using? 5.0.0rc1 ### Does this...

Xcode automatically sets `application-identifier` in an App Clip's entitlements. If it's not set, then app clips fail to install because `(null)` is not a prefix of whatever `` is set...

type: feature request

In Xcode you can create watch apps in one of two ways: hosted in an iOS app, or as a standalone watch app. Currently rules_apple only supports the first version,...

The `AppleResourceInfo` provider is public API. But it can be hard to correctly create an instance of this provider. The `//apple/internal:resources.bzl`'s `resources` module should be exposed as public API, or...

A resource bundle without a valid Info.plist won't work correctly (e.g. no images will be found in it). Since `infoplists` is optional, it's easy to create a resource bundle that...

Here is an example Xcode generated Info.plist: ```xml UIApplicationSceneManifest UIApplicationSupportsMultipleScenes UISceneConfigurations UIWindowSceneSessionRoleApplication UISceneConfigurationName Default Configuration UISceneDelegateClassName $(PRODUCT_MODULE_NAME).SceneDelegate UISceneStoryboardFile Main ``` and here is the build failure when using it: ```...

4ec36b79fd35633581f5e1eb51c0bc7aac3f6031 regressed `apple_dynamic_framework_import` in a couple ways: - ~Generated provisioning profiles no longer work, since they aren't listed as an input into `ImportedDynamicFrameworkProcessor`~ Fixed with #856 - ~`ImportedDynamicFrameworkProcessor` needs `execution_requirements...


The stub binary used for `ios_sticker_pack_extension` in Xcode 11.3 has `armv7`, `armv7s`, and `arm64` architectures slices. When building with `--ios_multi_cpus=arm64` the application binary correctly only has an `arm64` architecture slices,...
