Breno Gazzola

Results 9 comments of Breno Gazzola

About Propshaft, the upgrade guide was written for apps running the sprockets/webpacker combo. This is why it goes full node/yarn tooling and mentions the bundling gems (jsbundling and cssbundling) But...

I’m willing to help. Don’t have any experience with app servers, but not afraid of reading code and debugging stuff until I figure what’s happening. Worst case, I can at...

nghttp2 sounds like the least ideal of the three. It feels like it would be the fastest, but a few extra milliseconds per request sound better than bugs being open...

If you do decide that rails needs fixing, and the problem is Sprockets (which is responsible for serving the files), I can help, as I’ve just started spending some time...

That said. JS and CSS files are requested enough that they should have close to 100% cache hit from CDNs

What I get from the article is that the old “use jquery from a cdn because if the user visited another website that has it, it will be already cached”...

Nate will know this better than me, but AFAIK Puma is getting the CSS/JS file from sprockets, and both implement the Rack spec, so Sprockets is reading the content of...

> Puma currently takes about ~8 seconds to fully satisfy the downloads for an import-mapped app with 150 dependencies, which is not a great experience. 😱. Ok, I'm convinced, haha

We discussed a few options and David said he'd think about it and come up with something himself. I'll ping him about it.