Brennan Vincello

Results 9 comments of Brennan Vincello

We could slim down, running [pipreqs]( we see: setuptools==36.2.0 alembic==0.9.3 docutils==0.14rc2 flask_admin==1.5.0 flask_assets==0.12 flask_celery==2.4.3 flask_debugtoolbar==0.10.1 flask_mail==0.9.1 flask_marshmallow==0.8.0 flask_restful==0.3.6 flask_security==3.0.0 flask_sqlalchemy==2.2 GitPython==2.1.5 Pygments==2.2.0 SQLAlchemy==1.2.0b1 WTForms==2.1

As a kick-off to working on this and #12 it would be nice to add coverage reporting with something like You can see the coverage report at the end...

A comparison time series in this scenario could be another index or commodity price, or a statistic, like the rate of inflation, with data normalized.

Work in-progress PR #13 started to add Python 3 Tests passing for Python 2.7 and 3.6 61% coverage

Python 3 support added with #28 ... pypi release still pending you can: ``` pip install git+ ```

You can pass these as arguments to the `BitmapDetector`, the default arguments are: ``` BitmapDetector(time_series, baseline_time_series=None, precision=None, lag_window_size=None, future_window_size=None, chunk_size=None) ``` If the arguments aren't specified then the constants in...

Initial thoughts after reading ``` if ENV.has_key?('HTTP_PROXY') HTTP_PROXY = ENV['HTTP_PROXY'] config.vm.provision "shell", inline: > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl restart docker SHELL end ```
