Brendon Matos
Brendon Matos
Hi! Thank you opening this issue! I had to iterate again and it took me a bit of time. One of the first things I would say for you to...
Surely the library could warn this at runtime. I've been working lately on a version to support composition and will already add this warning on first run Thank you very...
Very interested! Scaling things is certainly one of the most difficult things to do, what is your experience with the Nats service? I am thinking lately about implementing an adapter...
> I was wondering how different this project is from by @jfyne > could you outline any key differences for me? Not many, but in my view some are...
Hi! Yes, this is expected. Synchronization between tabs is an implementation/option for the server. The "rendering session" is started on each page load.
Just so I understand, would you like to create a live view per route? If yes, it is possible to use the library handler itself ```go app.Get("/", liveServer.CreateHTMLHandler(components.NewClock, golive.PageContent{ Lang:...
It is planned to support running these tasks from cli without running the server?
I apologize if this isn't the correct forum. But how is supposed to run those tasks in Nuxt project from CLI? Nuxt CLI will be implemented to invoke those tasks...
Seems like landed! Any plans to support it?