Brendan Babb
Brendan Babb
Add lat and longs for US Open Data City census cities and counties in the data export. This will allow more automated mapping of the data. Example:
For users who have deployed terraform in an env-dev deployment and things are working and want to change settings to an env-prod configuration to have more safeguards for accidentally deleting...
There are many trails around the Denali (Alaska) visitor center and often people get lost. There will be new signage in a few years but a mobile app could help...
USGS released Landsat 8 data which is being hosted at AWS and with tools from and Matlab for accessing images. Can the images provide additional info for parks apps....
Shorezone contains photo, video and data about shorelines in Alaska, Washington and BC. Could the info be used for kayak trip planning, habitat info, trip planning, addition image and video...
Click that hood is a game to help learn geography. We could put the national parks in the US in a map. They already have amusement parks and Chicago has...
Extend Randy Olson's road trip planner for optimal road trips in a state or group of states using a GA or not.
Make it easier to update the database with new land data
Facebook unblocked the FB Messenger bot and now requests come in through the twilio FB channel to the Heroku instance. Can we make it so we know a request is...
The new People Mover site launched on 3/6/23 and we need to direct people to that new page and also the new short code for SMS info 321123 -...