Brendan Rocks
Brendan Rocks
Firstly, thanks so much for this repo! I'm using it with pandoc as my Jekyll markdown renderer. It seems a shame to lose the nice features of `servr::jekyll()` in order...
I cobbled together a solution for my `knitr-jekyll` blog a while ago. It can all be handled with a small addition to `build.R`, and a short addition to one of...
Same issue here Emacs 26.3 (`26.3~1.git96dd019-kk1+18.04`)
Same here (including the single/double click thing, thanks for the work-around!). Ubuntu 16.04, flatpak.
I would also find this very useful (my use-case is intervals via Monte Carlo simulation, for forecasts which depend on other forecasts, e.g via exogenous regressors).