Henrique Breim
Henrique Breim
Same issue here. Tested on PG 9.6.6 and PG 9.5.13
@chen716 and @cesarandreslopez . **Try this fork:** https://github.com/d-demirci/face-postgre He is using **lib psycopg2** instead **lib postgresql**. You must install **psycopg2** before. So just run: pip3 install psycopg2
Mesmo problema, com CNPJ.. alguém chegou na solução ?
Acabei de resolver meu problema com essa gema https://github.com/rfs/validates_cpf_cnpj Abraço!
Buddy, You might improve this example, posting this entire class **EncryptionService**
Hmmm interesting. Thanks buddy ! :)