Brannon Hall
Brannon Hall
Makes sense. I would almost call the command something like `Create New Zettel` in that case, since it's creating at the root. "Create new root sibling" is a bit ambiguous.
> I think we should have 2 commands: > > Create new root zettel > Create new root sibling I just reread this part. I think we can get away...
Does this plugin even support multiple Zettelkasten currently? I didn't think it did.
> Who ever does this I would like to CR it before it is merged. > > If I do it @brannonh I'll request a CR from you. I'm not...
Per my comment in #14, I recommend that all development within this repo is done in separate branches, using some naming convention, and merged back into `master`. Merging should require...
> @brannonh and @jvanz if we are going to use PRs and branches to manage things and are going to have a rule that one of the 3 of us...
Indeed. Been busy as of late, but will try to find some time to work on this project soon.
To me, this seems like at least a minor update (i.e., 1.2.0), since there is a high likelihood of breaking things. It's not really fixing bugs.
I definitely agree with that. Let's keep 1.1.x focused on any future bug fixes, work on updating the code base in 1.2.x, and adding new features in 1.3.x.
Yeah, that's an option too.