Brannon Hall
Brannon Hall
I'm getting this same error, and I can't find answers anywhere. I'm passing the desired scope to passport.authenticate(), as described by @toadkicker. Here is the line in my app: `api.get('/auth/google',...
Figured I should add the return route also. `api.get('/auth/google/return', passport.authenticate('google', { failureRedirect: '/hello/fail', successRedirect: '/hello/succeed' });` Seems this is actually where the error is occurring. If I comment out that...
Forgot to come back here. Seems it was an issue with the way I was setting up my Restify server. I was able to fix this by adding the following...
I just checked this in my VS Code setup, and I don't have this problem. Do you have anything in your settings JSON that might be contributing to this behavior?...
> What do you think of also including > > [FEATURE] Create zettel child/singling without opening new note #22 ? My preference would be to focus on bugs for 1.1.1...
@Dyldog Any chance we could get milestones enabled? 🙂
Thanks for all your help, guys. Things got really busy for me over the last week or so. I'll be back to helping out as soon as I can.
> No worries man everyone gets busy. > > Sorry if I got a little impatient and pushed the version out the door lolz No complaints here. 🙂 The whole...
Will need to consider #14 with this feature.
Wouldn't the create sibling command work the same on a top-level zettel? We would just need a create root zettel command, right?