Gwénaël Rault

Results 24 comments of Gwénaël Rault

Before the integration of #2103 the spec passed successfully

Here is a fix which avoid the misinterpretation of the type

That's strange that the type of [empty_typed_arr]( turned from Array[String] to [String] when arrived into `handle_passed_param`

> Let's extend tests with `Hash` and `Set` along with Array? I don't really see what should exhibit these tests, as the only ambiguity is between `types : [x, y]`...

Isn't it fixed with this PR ? With the condition to put 'documentation: { param_type: 'body' }' in the definition of a top level object

It was integrated within the version 0.34

By the way, it seems related to the following issues : #628 and #666

Got a few update on it, following the actual state of the master branch. Removing some useless commits and correcting indent of some old ones

Is your question about the conditional add of the constraint ? If yes, I didn't want to calculate a constraint on a value which is set on any vehicle.

I just add an updater in order to calculate the flexible departure time starting from the Actual End time as base. Calculate it using the ActivityTimeTracker will give any information...